My new game is a space shooter
I’m working on my new game. I can tell you i’ve been wanting to make a space shooter for years now. Well, since the best games had 320×200 resolution on a PC.
When we think of a good space shooter we think 3D. But i think i will manage to make a great space shooter in 2D. But to make it with smooth animations i’m doing everything in 3D and then rendering to 2D.
I’m using this game as an objective to make the base engine for my games. There are several ways to enhance a lot flash’s performance and so i’m trying to gather information about how it can be implemented and making a all object oriented game production engine.
Here is a screeshot of the work so far. Here we can see a space ship i’ve made in 3D (first version since i’m going to make it better), an asteroid showing collision detection areas and two status bars representing Throttle and Speed.